
How To Say To Clean In Spanish

Spanish-English Housekeeping Checklist

Many may try to put off household chores, but they're an unavoidable part of adult life. Luckily, though, you may sometimes get some help with them and, it may be helpful to learn how talk about them in your newly acquired language.

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Whether you are travelling abroad and trying to communicate with hotel staff, or you want to improve your communication at home, make sure you bookmark this article!

Rooms, Furniture and Decor in Spanish

A good place to start is by discussing what needs to be cleaned. Here is some helpful vocabulary for rooms and what is in them.

The Bathroom

  1. El baño - Bathroom
  2. El inodoro - Toilet
  3. La bañera - Tub
  4. La ducha - Shower
  5. El grifo - Tap
  6. El lavabo - Sink
  7. El espejo - Mirror
  8. La toalla - Towel
  9. El papel higiénico - Toilet paper
  10. El piso - Floor

The Bedroom

  1. El cuarto/La habitación - Room (it can sometimes be used to mean bedroom)
  2. El dormitorio - Bedroom
  3. El armario - Closet
  4. La ropa - Clothes
  5. La cama - Bed
  6. Las sábanas - Sheets
  7. La almohada - Pillow

The Living Room and the Dining Room

  1. La sala de estar - Living room
  2. El comedor - Dining room
  3. La alfombra - Carpet/Rug
  4. El sofá/El sillón - Couch
  5. El almohadón - Cushion
  6. La mesa - Table
  7. La silla - Chair
  8. El cuadro - Painting
  9. La televisión - T.V.
  10. La radio - Radio
  11. La ventana - Window
  12. El vidrio - Glass

The Office

  1. La oficina - Office
  2. El estudio - Studio
  3. El escritorio - Desk (it can also refer to a room in the house used as an office)
  4. La biblioteca - Bookcase
  5. El estante - Shelf
  6. Los libros - Books
  7. La computadora - Computer
  8. La impresora - Printer
  9. La papelera - Wastebasket

The Kitchen

  1. La cocina - Kitchen (may also refer to the stove)
  2. El horno - Oven
  3. La tetera - Kettle
  4. La olla - Pot
  5. El/La sartén - Pan
  6. El microondas - Microwave
  7. El lavavajillas - Dishwasher
  8. Los platos - Dishes (plates)
  9. La vajilla - Dishes (crockery)
  10. Los cubiertos - Cutlery
  11. Los vasos - Glasses
  12. Las tazas - Cups/Mugs
  13. La nevera/El refrigerador - Fridge
  14. El congelador - Freezer
  15. La comida - Food
  16. La fruta - Fruit

The Garden

  1. El jardín - Garden
  2. La planta - Plant
  3. Las flores - Flowers
  4. El césped - Lawn
  5. La piscina - Pool

Cleaning Supplies and Equipment

Once you know what you need to clean, you might want to know what to clean it with. Here is a list of some common cleaning supplies and equipment in Spanish.

  1. La aspiradora - Vacuum cleaner
  2. La escoba - Broom
  3. La pala - Dustpan
  4. La basura - Trash
  5. El bote de basura - Trashcan
  6. La bolsa (de basura) - (Garbage) bag
  7. La enceradora - Floor polisher
  8. La cera - Wax
  9. El plumero - Duster
  10. El trapo - Cloth/Rag
  11. El paño - Dishcloth
  12. La esponja - Sponge
  13. El detergente - Dish soap
  14. El jabón - Soap
  15. El jabón para ropa - Laundry detergent
  16. El suavizante - Softener
  17. El balde - Bucket
  18. El escurridor de piso - Squeegee
  19. Los guantes de goma - Rubber gloves
  20. Lejía - Bleach

Household Chores in Spanish

All the previous vocabulary is great, but to really communicate successfully, you'll also need some verbs describing household chores. Here are some common chores in Spanish:

  1. Limpiar - To clean
  2. Lavar - To wash
  3. Aspirar - To vacuum
  4. Barrer - To sweep
  5. Desempolvar - To dust
  6. Fregar - To scrub
  7. Encerar - To wax
  8. Lustrar - To polish (floors or furniture)
  9. Pulir - To polish (mostly metal)
  10. Planchar - To iron
  11. Tender la cama - To make the bed
  12. Tender la ropa - Hang up the washing
  13. Sacar la basura - Take out the trash

Useful Housekeeping Phrases in Spanish

Now, you can put all of this new vocabulary together into some useful phrases for discussing household chores:

  1. El baño/comedor está sucio. - The bathroom/dining room is dirty.
  2. La cocina/habitación está sucia. - The kitchen/bedroom is dirty.
  3. Necesito que limpie el baño/barra el piso. - I need you to clean the bathroom/sweep the floor.
  4. La basura está llena - The trash is full.
  5. Por favor, limpie el baño/saque la basura. - Please, clean the bathroom/take the trash out.
  6. Hay un olor extraño en el baño. - There is a funny odor in the bathroom.
  7. La toalla tiene una mancha. - There is a stain on the towel.
  8. Hay polvo en los estantes. - There is dust on the shelves.
  9. Recuerde limpiar las ventanas/los vidrios. - Remember to clean the windows/glass.
  10. Los pisos están húmedos. - The floors are wet.
  11. No queda detergente/cera. - There is no detergent/wax left.

Expressing what you want in another language can sometimes be hard, but with the help of this vocabulary and the accompanying printable checklist, communicating your housekeeping needs in Spanish will be easy!

  • 5th grade
  • 6th grade
  • 8th grade
  • elementary school
  • middle school

How To Say To Clean In Spanish


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